Thursday, February 26, 2015

एक शाम शहीदों के नाम

बिरौल अनुमंडल के ओर से आयोजित
में भाग लेंने का मौका मिला ।
गाना बजाना हो रहा है । एंकर भी हंसी
का कार्यक्रम चल रहे है ।
लकिन अभी एक लड़की ने
शास्त्री संगीत पर नाच पेश लिए
। लकिन अभी एक मन में एक सवाल
आ रहा है ...क्या हमारे आर्मी वाले को
अगर हमारी मदद की जरुरत हो तो
इस तरह का नाच गान करके पैसे एक्ठा
किया जाये ।
हमारे आर्मी वालो के लिए यही
तरीका बचा है मदद करने का ????????

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Where real love and care exist

I am in a marriage of friend's friend's daughter.Here good decoration as
well good managing. Every one is enjoying at the highest level. Stage is
decorated with hand created decorating things. It's looking very pleasant.
Many people are dancing , have drunk . From no any angle it's look too much
remote area.  I come here ?? It was a big challenge. This village name is
What this village have (That I found )??
It is about 20 km from Biraul Block .
In which 5 km was pwd and rest was totally soil road where It was very
tough to drive bike more than 5 km/h. But How I get courage to drive more
than 45km/h , I don't know , but I was enjoying very much during driving. .
Because I never came across these type of road and more importantly , Vikas
ji was sitting back on my bike and He was afraid of the speed of bike . Ups
and down more ups and down . Teda medha and more teda and medha rasta. It
was really very dangerous to drive bike at high speed when you are going
first time in that way and it's time of very dark . It was looking that I
am driving my bike on that way which is passing through a very wonder and
bhayanak forest. After that We have to cross the river. There was no bridge
, I was not sure about the deepness of the river. So We waited more than 10
minutes to see what is the real deepen river. One bike wala cross the river
easily . Thanks to that man and as well koshi Maa(that river name). I also
crossed the river very easily . It was very fantastic movement to cross the
river .  After driving more than 30 minutes , We reach at out destination
around 08:50PM. Thanks Badi Maa and all my well wisher, We safely reached

One thing is now irritating me is that here local MP is also present here
and Many people (who must have to take care of Barati ) trying to get snap
of that MP . Should these MP come in these type of occasions or not