Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Dadi ...... Want to Meet

When You are failed to find the reason for living life . It becomes clue less. A search operation start for a replacement.


Dadi ..... Missing you . When you were here , i have reason to sleep a sleepness night .full of happy dream Night. Happy Night. When you were here I had someone to share my everything without any reason . I had your love . Your offer of sweet tea I miss it every morning. You remember, i use to Eat Tea with Basi Roti , what a tasty breakfast. When ever I was not around , you were keeping some tea on Ghura and waiting for my arrival. It was the time when i felt Dadi is one of the best super and lovely person of my life. When ever you were giving your box key , I always try to show my honesty but sometimes, but I use to eat Brownbita , the taste of little amount was the taste of eating whole packet. Thank you for teaching honesty . On my honesty you were giving your box key. I never thought about taking any things from your box without your permission. That was the time I felt and you also give me chance to feel more obedient and honest among my brothers. We all brothers were fighting for sleeping with you . But you were selecting me for honesty and Being Vegetarian. I always felt proud and happy before sleeping. Dadi , you remember, when my leg were injured, Only you were there to getup me.  No Papa and Mummy. I always thirsty of love. Always fighting was there in family. It's made me timid. But Now Dadi, I am working with confidence in Bank ignoring my fears. But Dadi , when ever people use me , play with me. I loss my confidence. Start crying, remembering you Papa and Maa. Poonam Di. But not calling them , they will never understand me. I felt I am a loser useless fellow. Papa supposed to taking care mine mother and Di. He always ignored us. It is not a blame but what he did and i understand , that just writing. I thought, what Papa is doing , other family members will do for me. But practically, it was a close eye dream. I wish to become an Engineer but Papa had no more money as he already paid to advocate , and Judge for settling the cases. Dadi , once Papa started smoking 🚬 non stop. Only for S Uncle. I thought he had tension of that case so he is doing that ,now i understand , Papa was doing it because of money, he had no money for case but he has to be normal and pray , beg with judge and Advocate  .Dadi, Papa did all the things to long last of joint family. In dream, of each member with help each other . It was just a dream. After finishing my 12th , and Poonam Di marriage , real time started . Papa forced to separate own child and his brother child. He forces to keep difference in them. That time again started hating Papa as he was not loving all. But I am wrong , he was doing for me. He was saving our dream. He forced me to finish my study and get a job for better life style. Now I am in job . Enjoying my better life. But Dadi, when ever I felt I am losing my confidence. There is no one to share my things like you . That things are not going out from and it i hurting me . I always felt I am sick. I have no option. Dadi , No one is there like you how you did the things when i was sick, i had fever, my leg injured, when I was about to die. No one. Maa is still not believing me . Papa is aslo thinking the same . What to do , i always not let down any one dream. What I faced , i never want any one of my  family have to experience the same. But Dadi , finally, it is keeping me leaving me in pain alone. No one is even listening me. Dadi, i want to come, should I, what to do ? All are Fake Dadi. People around me are only for their own requirement. Dadi, Papa sold me and I got married on 16 Feb 17 . Things changed, i thought I will get my respect and get love here but got the word of Greedy Person. Sold person. No any replacement of your Dadi . What to do , Dadi call me there where you are or come back to  me . Dadi plz