Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why this is happening with me

This is around 10:30 pm. Every one is on bed. I am also . Hoping maximum of us slept or about to sleep. I have just completed one English section and reason section of practice set which I did in day. And now trying hard to sleep. But where is my repose it still waiting . Not understanding why this is happening but i am thinking about someone i loved or can say a partner with i want to share my everything. But I really want to never think about any one. I want a total focus on my exam. But I failed to initialize myself . What should I do . Should I quit  the game of life or do something to serve as an animal or just do other. I am mad this time. Totally mad. Not able to differentiate the real truth or imaginary life. I am only thinking how to got suicide. Should I forget my parents . Their love or only their desire what they want. I am thinking that I am not that person of life who can do something or is any work for me. I just want to exit my life . It is becoming my first love . Should I continue or exit. Is there any chance for me in life or always suffer these type of rascal feeling. What is life is fearsome for me. I don't want to face the challenge of life. Question will raised why am I thinking like this. In my word there is more thing than grief and pain. So what should I do .it is unknown for me. I just my best but it become worst. Where is fault .??????what am I doing wrong . ?what should I not to do.this is feeling like that I am in ocean without any support and I can shrink any time. I am trying to come out but my tries is not in right direction. ? I have no direction detector device to find the adject my location. I am putting my everything to Badi Maa. Maa bless me and grant confidence to win the game of life.

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